Save Money. Make Money.
Go Green.
Charge to the Future.
Put Yourself on the Map.
Improve Your Visibility.
Cut Energy and Maintenance Costs.
Be Cool. Stay Warm.
Lower Energy Consumption.
Take advantage of state utility incentives while they last.
Offset installation costs of your EV charging station and energy efficiency projects to maximize your assets and enjoy a shorter return on investment.
Artis Energy Solutions specializes in developing innovative electric vehicle (EV) charging, LED lighting, controls, and HVAC solutions that add value to your organization and provide for a greener future.
We pride ourselves on providing our clients with the highest level of service and support. Our team of experts listens to your needs from initial consultation through post-installation to deliver solutions that achieve your organizational goals.
EV Charging Stations
Meet the growing demand for EV charging stations. Be a leader and attract a growing base of customers switching to EV. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to leverage current incentives that reduce installation cost.
LED Lighting & Controls
Illuminate your space in a smarter, more sustainable manner with LED lighting and advanced controls that reduce your monthly energy bills and minimize your carbon footprint.
HVAC Solutions
Optimize your heating and cooling systems to maximize your comfort and reduce energy costs.
3 easy steps
Initial Consultation
We identify your needs and goals to begin developing a solution tailored to your space.
Site Audit
Our energy and EV experts meet onsite to assess, determine baseline conditions, and create a proposal that aligns with your goals.
We provide turnkey+ service which includes materials, labor, equipment, and installation. We also prepare and submit the incentive paperwork to save you time.